On the line with Michael: Meet PAN’s patient and provider representatives

In this blog series, we’re pleased to introduce you to our wonderful call center representatives who understand the financial hardships that may come with a diagnosis and are on the line, ready to offer caring and compassionate service.

Headshot of Michael Lucas

Meet Michael, a member of the PAN Portal Support Team, who shares with us a little about himself and how practicing patience while offering support over the phone can empower others.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

I like to work with patients and providers to resolve issues and build trusting relationships.

How do you describe your work to people who don’t know about PAN?

We’re not just a call center. We care and want to leave an impact. Many of our representatives can relate to having a sick loved one. It’s my job to help simplify processes for those we serve.

What’s been your most memorable phone conversation with a patient or provider?

I received a call from a patient who needed financial assistance but was uncomfortable with providing personal information over the phone and was unsure how to apply online. I walked the patient through the online application and made sure that they felt supported throughout the process. The patient went from feeling helpless to empowered.

Tell us something that others would be surprised to know about you.

I was an instrumentalist in college and play the saxophone and piano. I have also worked in the music industry as a music producer locally in Washington D.C.

What are your tips for having a great phone conversation with patients or providers?

Be patient and put yourself in their shoes. Treat every call as an opportunity to learn.