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Behind the scenes: The making of a PAN video

Photo of Gilda Menendez, PAN Grant Recipient.
Gilda Menendez, PAN Grant Recipient

We are excited to share our newest PAN video, which highlights our alliance with the American Liver Foundation, as well as a patient who the alliance helped. Born and raised New Yorker Gilda Menendez was diagnosed with hepatitis C in January 2016. When it became clear that Gilda could not afford the high out-of-pocket costs of her treatment, her doctor referred her to PAN. Once enrolled, she was immediately connected with the Helpline team at the American Liver Foundation (ALF), who called Gilda weekly to provide support services, share information on treatment options and answer her questions. With PAN and ALF’s assistance, Gilda successfully completed her treatment and is now cured of hepatitis C.

We’re proud of our alliance with ALF, and excited to  share this video. Below are some behind-the-scenes tidbits to give you a flavor of the video-creation process.

  • It was unseasonably warm in New York during our November shoot, and when you mix high temperatures with a five-person video crew, plus hot lights and equipment, the temperature soars. It got so warm inside Gilda’s apartment that several PAN team and crew members had to wait outside in the hall. Gilda was a trouper and never complained once.
John Skies, Video Director with Gilda Menendez, PAN Grant Recipient smiling outside on sidewalk
John Sikes, Video Director with Gilda Menendez, PAN Grant Recipient
  • Gilda could be considered “the mayor” of her block. In the few hours we spent with her, it was clear that her warmth helped create a sense of community and friendship within the neighborhood. After the shoot, Gilda and the video crew stayed outside and chatted for a bit. She was on a first-name basis with every neighbor. More and more people came by and told Gilda how great she looked since her hepatitis C was cured and her health improved. She chatted, cracked jokes and encouraged everyone to drop by for a visit to catch up. Both the PAN team and video crew were taken with Gilda’s sincerity and spirit.
  • Gilda insisted on feeding PAN staff and video crew members as soon as we finished the shoot. She had cooked a spread of delicious food beforehand. Lucky us!

Watch the new PAN video: